Actively Unwoke Podcast – 2022 Archive

Actionable tips about fighting back against woke insanity, available on all podcasting platforms.

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Actively Unwoke is a podcast dedicated to teaching the woke ideology in plain English, and providing actionable tips and strategies that everyone can use to fight back. It is available in all major podcasting platforms. If you don’t see yours listed here, it doesn’t mean it’s not on there.

This podcast gets between 500-1500 listens a day. If you would like to support my work, and get your website, podcast, product or service mentioned in this podcast or on my other content, sponsorship opportunities are available.


This is an archive page for the Actively Unwoke podcast from 2022. Listen to the latest episodes on

Ep 25. Please STOP with the book banning

You achieve nothing and there are more important things to focus on.

A rant. For every second you spend trying to ban books you don’t like, you hurt the entire unwoke movement.

Ep 24. Why Kanye West is being canceled by the woke left

No, it’s not because what he said about the Jews.

Kanye West is being canceled left and right…but not for the reasons you might think. In this episode, I explain the real motivation behind why the woke left must shut him up, and take him out of the public eye.

Ep 23. What we must do to fix the K-12 schools

The woke ideology is not just in the classroom – it’s at the system level.

It’s easy to focus on the bad books with sex in them. But, is that the best place to focus? I’d argue no. Let me explain in this episode.

Ep 22. My school says they’re not teaching critical race theory. Are they telling the truth?

No, probably not. They’re nitpicking language to gaslight you.

One of the questions I get most often from parents is them telling me they called their school and the school SWEARS they are not teaching Critical Race Theory. They’re probably lying to you (though not always). In this episode, I’ll discuss how you can tell if they’re telling you the truth.

Ep 21. The difference between true believers and useful idiots (or useful innocents)

Don’t confuse the two – one is more dangerous than the other.

When you spend your days investigating the schools, it quickly becomes clear that some school administrators are implementing equity (Marxism) in the classroom because they are true believers, and some of them are doing it unknowingly because they think it’s what they need to do to be a good person. It’s important to know the difference between true believers and useful idiots (or, rather, useful innocents).

Ep 20. What “whiteness” really means (hint: It’s not about skin color).

The woke use language as their greatest weapon. You must understand how THEY define things.

Never forget that the woke left progressive ideology that has taken over every major institution in this country is grounded in Marxism. That means all they care about is power. When they say someone is white or use the term “whiteness”, it has nothing to do with the color of your skin. It has to do with who owns the power structure.

Ep 19. How your politicians and influencers are lying to you about the woke ideology in schools

If you want to fight back, demand better.

The people you’re trusting to fight back against the woke ideology are lying to you. They are telling you they are doing things to protect you and your kids when the things they are doing have little to no impact. You have to learn how to identify these lies, and demand they do better. Otherwise, we will lose.

Ep 18. The socialists are winning. We must wake more people up.

Hope exists in the politically homeless, not the tribes.

Every time I watch or read 1984, I take away more ways in which our current circumstances resemble this dystopian reality. Winston knew that hope rested with the proletariat. And the party wasn’t afraid because knew they would never wake up. If we don’t learn from this, we are doomed.

Ep 17. Power is not a means to an end. It is the end itself.

Why you never apologize to the woke mob, even if you’re wrong.

If you’re engaging in the fight against the woke cultural revolution, you will probably be canceled at some point. You must never apologize. The goal of cancelation is not to right a wrong. It is only to gain power over another person.

Ep 16. How I caught a school district breaking New Hampshire’s anti-CRT laws

They post everything you need to know on their website.

I share how I discovered a school district in New Hampshire was breaking the state’s anti-CRT law just by looking at information that is publicly available on their website, and offer tips and strategies that you can use to do the same thing.

Ep 15. I was permanently banned from Twitter for reporting schools for breaking anti-CRT laws

If I had to go out for something, I’m not upset it was that.

I discuss how my personal account with over 70,000 followers was permanently banned by Twitter for helping parents to report schools breaking anti-CRT laws to the state for investigation. Seriously.

Ep 14: They want to make being a PEDOPHILE a protected class

And they’re not even being subtle about it.

This is probably one of the more disturbing podcasts you’ll listen to today, but it is absolutely necessary that you hear this: The woke progressive left have gone so far off the deep end that it won’t be long until they try to make being a literal pedophile (or minor attracted person) a protected class so that they can’t get fired for it. 

Ep 13. Their values are not your values. Their goals are not your goals.

The most critical thing people need to understand to fight back against woke insanity.

In this crossover episode, I read an essay I wrote on my substack The Red Pill Diaries ( called “Their values are not your values. Their goals are not your goals.” One of the reasons the political right has not been effective at fighting back against the woke insanity is because they do not understand this fundamental truth – that the woke see the world completely differently than they do. And because of that, they have different objectives. You can’t effectively fight them if you don’t understand what they are motivated why and why they behave the way they do.

Ep. 12: You’ve been canceled. Now what?

Your fear of the thing is often worse than the thing itself

Fear of being canceled is the top reason more people don’t speak up against the woke insanity. In this episode, I read excerpts from my book to help you understand what you need to know about getting canceled and how you can survive it.

Ep 11: What we must do to end the woke cultural revolution

This is change management 101

The country is in the midst of a woke cultural revolution, and the woke are winning. In order to stop it, we need to create more teachers.

Ep 10: Critical race theory is NOT about race. It’s about power

In order to defeat the woke, we have to understand what they really want.

The woke left don’t care about solving racism. They only care about exploiting it to gain political power. Sadly, the conservative right mostly fails to educate their audience about that. Here’s what you need to know about the real goals of the woke left.

Ep 9: Medical colleges REQUIRED to go woke

Medical education is completely corrupted, and that should terrify everyone.

New medical education standards are out, and they are requiring medical college and residency programs to integrate woke teachings into their curriculum. Dissent will not be welcome.

Ep 8: The definition of Critical Race Theory

Please memorize this simple definition and use it consistently!

I offer you a simple definition of Critical Race Theory that you can use to explain to others what it is.

Ep 7: It’s not about left or right

Woke is about authoritarianism, not political party

People think that woke is just about the progressive left. However, I define it a bit differently.

Ep 6: Why the public schools cannot be saved

It’s a staffing problem.

I know defunding the public schools makes people nervous. But let me explain why it’s necessary.

Ep 5: Try not to lose you mind

Fighting back against the woke can make you insane, if you let it.

Every single activist I know has descended into madness in their fight against the woke. That’s not a reason to avoid the fight – you just have to be mindful and make sure you’re using self-care strategies so you don’t suffer the same fate. 

Ep 4: Know Your Values

…and why what the Republicans did to Disney in Florida is wrong.

When you’re fighting monsters, be careful to not become the monsters you’re fighting. Sadly, the conservative right appears to be losing sight of this warning.

Ep 3: I just got canceled by the National Speakers Association.

Never miss an opportunity to shame them when they behave badly.

I document how I just got canceled by the National Speakers Association and use it to explain why we should take advantage of every time this happens to document and shame people for engaging in cancel culture.

Ep 2: Come at them, bro!

Don’t be afraid to get aggressive with the woke.

When you go on offense and become the aggressor, you can make the woke make unforced errors. Then, you can use those unforced errors to expose their hypocrisy and true agenda and wake more people up. 

Ep 1: You are not a racist

Stop being afraid of being called names you know aren’t true.

Karlyn Borysenko reads the introduction to Actively Unwoke, which explains why you must get over your fear of being called a racist in order to fight back against the woke insanity taking over our world.